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The HSG Talent Profiler is part of a project series from which the HSG Career Profiler has already been implemented.

The HSG Career Profiler was developed from the predecessor project "Swiss Student Value Survey" at the University of St. Gallen. This predecessor project was the result of a collaboration between the Career Center and researchers at the University of St. Gallen and the University of Basel. Back then, surveys were conducted at the University of St. Gallen, WHU Vallendar (Germany) and the University of Zurich. In addition, the Swiss Work Value Survey was used to collect workplace-related values from a company's perspective.

While the Swiss Student Value Survey focused only on the collection and evaluation of job-related values from 2012 to 2014, the HSG Career Profiler now also includes job-related interests and competences. This enables the mapping of a more holistic profile of the students, which forms the basis for further consultations.

It’s counterpart, the HSG Talent Profiler, collects company assessments of suitable talents and sharpens the talent profile with regard to desired interests, competences and values. This enables companies to search for talent in a more targeted manner.

The project series is now being driven forward by two St. Gallen career guidance experts and a researcher: Gerd Winandi-Martin (Head of Career Services at the University of St. Gallen), Markus Kühne (Managing Director TalentWerk and former Head of Career Services at the University of St. Gallen) and Benjamin Berghaus (founding partner Research).



Gerd Winandi

Head of Career Services at University of St. Gallen


Markus Kühne

Managing Director TalentWerk and former Head of Career Services at University of St. Gallen


Benjamin Berghaus

Founding Partner & Research